Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Beginning week 3

Week 2 was pretty succesful in several ways. I started drinking lots more water and started exercising regularly. However, I only lost 1/2 lb.

I'm thinking that maybe i need to track my food intake for a while to make sure I'm not eating more than I think. I did weight watchers last year for a while, so I'm thinking about using their tracking method. I lost weight when I did it so I know it works for me. I plan to start tracking this week.

I've continued to exercise and it is getting easier already. I actually did my video twice yesterday and today-equalivent of 2 miles each day. I also used some dumb bells to exercise my arms a little.

I feel more in control of my eating!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Halfway through Week 2

Week 2 is almost over. I have met some of my goals this week. I have been drinking lots more water! I'm still working on quitting the tea and Dr. Pepper:( I've also exercised several days this week. Gene and I are thinking about going to a gym. He tried it out today after work and liked it. Fortunately, he's on board with me and wants to lose weight too. I need the encouragement!

Yesterday, I ate cereal for breakfast; baked chicken, stuffing, and collards for lunch; and fish stew for supper.

Today, I decided to have peanut butter on whole wheat bread & milk for breadfast; hamburger/fries for lunch (we were out working...need to find some healthier options); and fish stew and a salad for supper.

I REALLY want something chocolate tonight!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011


It snowed all day today and I must admit I was a little lazy today and didn't get a lot done. However, I was at home all day and more in control of my eating. For breakfast I had cereal; lunch was vegetable soup; and for supper I had stir fried steak with onions & peppers and rice.
I ate 2 oatmeal cookies this afternoon--the soup didn't last all day. I also had 2 Dr. Peppers today. That's a hard habit for me to break. I drank more water than usual though.

The best news for today: I started exercising! I worked out to Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home video. I walked an equivalent of 1 mile in 14 minutes. It was pretty brisk and left me knowing just how out of shape I am!! I'm planning to walk 3- 5 days a week and eventually increase the length of the workout.

I'm pretty satisfied with my eating and exercising today:)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week 1 is finished

Week one is over and I weighed in today. I was actually shocked to have lost any weight at all, but I did--1 1/2 pounds. Not alot, but certainly better than nothing.

I'm still trying to follow the 8 keys to eating from "Thin Within" and still reading the book. I really like the book, but I'm struggling with not having any "rules" to follow. It seems too simple to just eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm satisfied. I guess that's how God intended it to be though.

Today I had cereal for breakfast; shrimp & fries for lunch; and chicken and rice soup for supper.
I'm getting tired of cereal every morning, so next week I need to alternate with some other breakfast foods. I only ate about 1/2 of my food at lunch, but I was still too full.

Next week, I want to cut out more sugar (soft drinks, tea). I don't know that I'll completely give them up, but I do want to drastically limit them. I plan to continue following Thin Within and hope for a bigger weight loss. I know that I over ate several times this week while we were away, plus ate the donuts:) I also plan to start exercising next week; didn't have the energy today.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Beginning Again:)

I'm home from Myrtle Beach. We had a nice time...even if it was a bad start to our new eating lifestyle. Tomorrow, we (Gene & I) will start fresh! We should have time to start our exercise regimen also. I plan to weigh tomorrow--will be 1 week. That should be interesting!

Today I had cereal for breakfast; then we stopped on the way home and got a BBQ sandwich/fries; for supper tonight I made spaghetti. Not the greatest choices! But tomorrow is a new day! Can't wait to get back on track.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Better Today

We're still at Myrtle Beach, therefore my "diet" is still not what it needs to be. We won't even talk about yesterday!! However, I did pretty good today. I had cereal for breakfast; grilled chicken, green beans, and carrots for lunch; and then pizza for supper. OK, I realize the pizza blew it, but we're going for easy!

I look forward to getting home tomorrow and getting back on track. I bought a cookbook called the Best of Clean Eating. Clean Eating is basically eating foods that are as fresh and natural as possible and staying away from all the junk. It has some really tasty looking recipes!

I also want to get started with some regular exercise.

I'm not really looking at this week as a total failure, but a learning experience. I know I have A LOT to learn about eating healthy while away from home. Eating healthy is hard when you are eating out, but it CAN be done. It just takes some work and planning...which I'll do much better at next time.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Not so good days:(

Well...some friends are letting us use their timeshare in Myrtle Beach for a few days. Sounds good and it is...but my eating isn't! We had Krispy Kreme donuts last night! Today has been better. Cereal for breakfast, crab cake, broccoli, and m. potatoes for lunch and rotisserie chicken for supper. Not great, but not terrible either.

I'm just taking it one day at a time and not worrying because next week I'll be home and can get refocused!! However, I also know that I need to learn to eat healthy away from home too.

Watching the beginning of the new Biggest Loser and hoping for LOTS of motivation!

Any helpful hints? I need them.